Tuesday, August 17, 2010

a housewarming gift

A co-worker of mine gave me the loveliest housewarming gift last week: a basket of cherry tomatoes from his garden. How sweet is that? I must admit, I smile every time I glance their way. And then inevitably pop one or two or three in my mouth. They're every bit as gorgeously delicious as they look.

1 comment:

Abbie Smith said...

Even with those simple gifts, it will be totally heartwarming to accept them, since it is also the start of your new relationship as neighbors. When my friend in Calgary got her own house with the help of a mortgage company, I helped her out on moving and organizing her things in the new house to ease her tired body. A few years later, when it's my turn to move out of my apartment and bought a new house by the Edmonton best mortgage company, she and my other friends that I helped out did the same to me, which made me totally happy that they remembered the help I've done to them.


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