Wednesday, January 5, 2011

weekend dinner party

You may have noticed by now that I'm not big on posting chicken recipes. Bravo if you have. Listen up if you haven't. It's not that I have this weird aversion to chicken. In fact, my favorite dish my mother makes is her chicken with prunes--and funnily enough, I've never even attempted to recreate it on my own. I think it has something to do with not wanting to remember it any other way than when it's made by her, at home, and I'm eight again.

I digress.

It's not that I don't like chicken. It's just that I rarely think about making it. I hardly ever buy it at the grocery store (a crime, I know) and I've never really considered it as an option for serving to company.

You see, this is problematic for many reasons. But allow me to [finally] cut to the chase. For someone who lives to entertain (and entertain on a budget), chicken needs to be part of the regular repertoire. It's a crowd-pleasing, incredibly versatile, tender, juicy, and economical protein that I have foolishly turned the other cheek to for years. Years! Years.

Really, I thought I was brighter than that.

balsamic roasted radicchio with taleggio
Austrian St. Laurent

chicken with roasted grapes and shallots
buttered egg noodles with parsley and chives
2008 Joel Gott Chardonnay (unoaked)

blood orange panna cotta with cardamom

roasted balsamic radicchio - allow to cool then top with torn pieces of taleggio cheese. serve with crusty baguette.

Image above courtesy of Lisa Hubbard for Bon Appetit

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