So this Sunday, after dragging my once again sick behind back to Connecticut for some R&R and health rejuvenation from Mom, we stopped by the Filling Station: New Canaan's new burger joint that boasts locally grown organic beef and nitrate free hot dogs. If that's something you're looking out for and/or is important. To me? A burger is a burger is a burger. Well, most of the time.
I entered slightly skeptical (but come on, it's what I do). Colds always leave me with a less than hungry appetite and I was certainly not craving a burger. But we crammed ourselves into the tiny place and patiently waited in line. Two cheeseburgers, one fry, and two fountain sodas later, we plopped down in our seats.

Regardless, this burger was near perfection. It should be noted that I'm a thin patty burger lover. I'll push a colossal burger aside, it's just not my scene. But The Filling Station's attempt at this comfort food classic was beyond admirable. Crinkle fries too, are sadly not my preferred way to indulge in twice fried carbohydrates, but to be honest, I'm happy to leave those behind in favor of finishing my entire cheeseburger. Because with the whole "I'm not that hungry" thing, I didn't expect to get through half of this bad boy.
Alas, I didn't leave a crumb.
If you're in the area, and in the mood for a slightly sinful little experience, pop by The Filling Station. If you can squeeze yourself in.
The Filling Station
19 South Ave.
New Canaan, CT
mmm. looks delicious. if you're ever really hungover and interested in a hair of the dog (oh, I don't know... maybe a split of OPUS ONE? their wine selection is pretty rad), you should give it a go. It was pretty orgasmic. :)
and no crinkle fries! they remind me of bad babysitters who couldn't operate our microwave and served me lukewarm food.
omg. crinkle fries = bad babysitters. you're EXACTLY RIGHT! ore ida. shivers.
i will most definitely make my way to the real deal. and an opus one split? shivers. in the best way possible.
Now I am convinced you are doing this on purpose! We are just weeks from bathing suit season, and I am again, a day into yet another cleanse.
The Filling Station, really? My mouth is watering!
listen, i've got to be bikini clad in t-35 days.
that said, i'm off to TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING in t-2 hours to attempt to erase every single delectable bite of that burger.
and yes, i realize that's impossible. hmph.
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