Wednesday, October 28, 2009

date night in nyc

There's a great piece in the New York Times this week about how the dating scene in New York City has undergone a transformation: out with the stuffy, pretentious restaurants and in with the casual, hole-in-the-walls. Amen! While chemistry, above all else, is what's going to ultimately make or break the date, I whole-heartedly agree that choosing a restaurant with minimal intimidation factor is a brilliant idea. First dates are awkward enough; no need to heighten that by making a rezzy for two at Le Cirque. A burger joint, a noodle shop, that incredible Mexican taqueria hidden at the back of the bodega, the Korean BBQ place that has you grilling your own meats at the table. All slightly thrilling, all totally casual (which encourages fun, casual, and of course witty conversation), and all admittedly easy on the wallet.

And there's nothing more intimate than finding intimacy in the most unexpected of places.

Have at it serial daters.

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